Updated: 08/12/2007
This is a list of many projects which was calling for foreign investment in Vietnam in period 2006-2010. Some locations applied the preferential policies from the Vietnamese Government. They actually become an attractive destination for investors.
List calling for foreign investment in Vietnam in period 2006-2010
Saturday, October 18, 2008
List calling for foreign investment in Vietnam in period 2006-2010
Danh mục dự án kêu gọi vốn đầu tư nước ngoài vào Dung Quất
Là một trong những khu kinh tế ra đời đầu tiên ở khu vực miền Trung, cho đến nay, sau nhiều năm xây dựng, Dung Quất đã kêu gọi được khá nhiều nguồn vốn đầu tư. Tuy nhiên vẫn còn cần thêm rất nhiều vốn cho những dự án đang chờ được xây dựng của Dung Quất. Dưới đây là những dự án kêu gọi vốn đầu tư nước ngoài vào Dung Quất.
1 | Nhà máy thép tấm cán nóng và cán nguội | KKT Dung Quất | 1,5-2 triệu tấn/năm | 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh | Có cảng riêng cho Nhà máy. Sử dụng nguồn phôi thép tại chỗ |
2 | Nhà máy thép hợp kim | KKT Dung Quất | 100.000 tấn/năm | 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh | Sử dụng nguồn phôi thép tại chỗ |
3 | Đầu tư và kinh doanh Cảng Container | KKT Dung Quất | 12 triệu tấn/năm Độ sâu: 13,5-15m, đáp ứng cho tàu 30.000 - 50.000 DWT | 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh |
4 | Sản xuất một số linh kiện và lắp ráp thiết bị cơ giới | KKT Dung Quất |
| 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh |
5 | Nhà máy sản xuất dây cáp điện | KKT Dung Quất |
| 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh |
6 | Nhà máy nhiệt điện chạy than | KKT Dung Quất | 1.2000 MW | 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh | Phụ tải tại chỗ |
7 | Nhà máy lọc dầu Dung Quất 2 | KKT Dung Quất | 1.200 MW | 100% vốn nước ngoài hoặc liên doanh |
1 | SX Methyl TeriaryButyl Ether (MTBE) | 21 | SX bồn chứa khí, bình chứa khí | |
2 | SX Formalin để chế tạo keo dán gỗ | 22 | SX thép đặt biệt | |
3 | SX cao su tổng hợp | 23 | SX ống thép | |
4 | SX nhực PS | 24 | SX thép tấm cán nóng, thép tấm cán nguội | |
5 | SX chất tẩy rửa công nghiệp (LAB) | 25 | SX sơn công nghiệp và sơn tàu thủy | |
6 | SX than đen (Carbon Black) | 2 | SX kính cao cấp, kính màu | |
7 | SX Caustic Soda, Chloride - EDC | 27 | SX giấy chống thấm Bitum biến tính | |
8 | SX PTA & BTX | 28 | SX tấm lợp cốt sợi hữu cơ | |
9 | SX Styrene Monomer | 29 | SX các sản phẩm nhôm | |
10 | SX sơ Polyester | 30 | Chế biến bột giấy và giấy các loại | |
11 | SX Dầu nhờn | 31 | SX ván ép nóng (công nghệ Đức) | |
12 | SX axit Axetic | 32 | SX sợi, dệt, nhộm (hoàn tất) | |
13 | SX xăm, lốp xe tải, máy kéo | 33 | SX đồ thủy tinh, pha lê | |
14 | SX phụ tùng ô tô, xe máy | 34 | SX thiết bị điện dân dụng, thiết bị, vật liệu điện đa dụng | |
15 | SX linh kiện nhựa cho ôtô | 35 | SX tấm lợp trần và đồ nội thất bằng nhựa | |
16 | SX động cơ Diesel 30-50 mã lực (2,3,4 xi lanh) | 36 | SX các sản phẩm ống nhựa PVC | |
17 | SX động cơ xăng đa dụng | 37 | NM nhiệt điện than | |
18 | SX và lắp ráp động cơ thủy 80-600 mã lực | 38 | NM chế tạo thiết bị tàu thủy | |
19 | SX, lắp ráp xe tải nhẹ, xe tải nặng, xe khách 30 chỗ ngồi trở lên. | 39 | NM SX container | |
20 | Sản xuất thiết bị cẩu chuyên dụng | 40 | |
Source: Dung Quat Economic Zone
Vietnam will filter FDI: MPI
Head of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) Phan Huu Thang said that Vietnam will accept foreign direct investment (FDI) projects selectively – it will say ‘no’ to projects which cannot meet requirements.
“ will attract FDI selectively and it will only choose suitable projects in the context of big FDI inflow into ,” Thang said, adding that will refuse to licence projects which do not fit the country’s socio-economic development strategy.
He went on to say that state management agencies will also say ‘no’ to investors who cannot show necessary measures on environmental protection, especially projects that may cause pollution. Moreover, investors of projects that cannot guarantee their financial capability will also be refused licences.
Thang said that local authorities recently have refused to licence many FDI projects, especially in the central province of Quang Ngai.
Regarding licenced projects which have been slow in implementation, Le Huu Quang Huy, Director of the Investment Promotion Centre in the central region, said that the Ministry of Planning and Investment has taken measures to speed up disbursement and check investment projects.
Three teams have been set up and sent to localities to check the infrastructure and disbursement rates of projects in industrial zones and export processing zones, and disbursement for real estate and big-scale projects. The ministry will release decisions on revoking the licences of projects being implemented slowly.
Nguyen The Dat, Head of the Management Board of Bo Y International Bordergate Economic Zone in Kon Tum province, said that will not accept FDI at any cost.
Dat said that previously, because they were trying to attract FDI, local authorities vied with each other to offer investment incentives. The incentives were so big in some cases that investors hesitated to make investments, believing ‘the cheapest is the dearest’. Overly big incentives, in this case, had the opposite effect.
Also because of trying to attract investment, some local authorities ignored regulations on requiring environmental protection measures. As a result, the environment has been abused, while the money collected from investments is not enough to fix the pollution. The recent Vedan case is a prime example.
According to MPI, has attracted 885 foreign direct investment projects which have the total registered capital of $57.1bil, including 20 very big projects.
Because Tomorrow Matters
The company is one of the world’s leading suppliers of cement, aggregates and concrete. As a corporate leader in Vietnam, Holcim has navigated its ways into the future by taking the sustainable route. Holcim has long emphasised its commitment to environmental performance and social responsibility as key elements its long-term growth strategy.
Last September it announced the opening of a new Sustainable Development Department, the first of its kind at any company operating in Vietnam.
Every person wants the members of his or her community to live in a healthy and happy environment and for quality of life to continue upwards. To obtain this target, people strive towards development. There are various ways of development, with a common feature being consideration of demographics, economics, society, natural resources and the environment. This ensures that development progress in the short term will not compromise long-term development. This is sustainable development as defined by UNICEF.
“At Holcim Vietnam we have identified four pillars of sustainable development in our business strategy: environmental performance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable construction, and corporate communications,” said Mr Nguyen Cong Minh Bao, Head of the Sustainable Development Department at Holcim Vietnam.
To achieve these goals, Holcim Vietnam has consolidated and enhanced partnerships with various organisations such as Vietnamese research institutions and universities, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), GTZ, Habitat for Humanity, the International Crane Foundation, and others.
Sustainability development requires reinventing the ways industries operate, on the production side, in resource usage, emission controls and ecological stewardship, and through new thinking about community and social interaction. Holcim Vietnam is totally committed to developing the community in their activities in a sustainable way.
The company’s Sustainable Development Department also defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategically. CSR encompasses not only what companies do with their profits but also how they make them. It goes beyond philanthropy and compliance and addresses how companies manage their economic, social, and environmental impacts, as well as their relationships in all key spheres of influence: the workplace, the marketplace, the supply chain, the community, and the public policy realm.
Holcim’s CSR initiatives focus on developing infrastructure and supporting education and health activities in the community. Financial support has been given to specific projects proposed by an NGO and/or a social organisation, such as building houses of gratitude, bridges, roads, and schools in remote areas (examples of kindergartens built in recent years include the Durian kindergarten, the An Quy kindergarten, and the Son Hai islet kindergarten). Some typical activities are supporting programs to offer better housing to poor people, partnering with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUT) and the Can Tho University (CTU) in the Green Summer campaign, scholarship programs, the Holcim Talent scholarship program, student initiatives and various projects in sustainable development. Holcim also supports education and vocational training programs, for example by partnering with the Duc Duc street children care program in Ho Chi Minh City.
Mr Nguyen Cong Minh Bao said: “The students of today are the potential leaders of tomorrow, so we will focus on improving our university sponsorship and educational sponsorship to encourage learning, to prepare the human capital of the future in Vietnam. As a socially responsible company, we believe our active and holistic engagement will promote other industries to follow this sustainable development pathway…Because Tomorrow Matters.”
Via: VET
Rice exports aim high for fourth quarter

Vietfood said domestic rice exporters have so far signed contracts to ship roughly 600,000 to 700,000 tonnes in the fourth quarter, and are seeking new customers in Africa and the Middle East to meet the target.
According to Vietfood statistics, in the first two weeks of October exports reached nearly 150,000 tonnes, lifting total rice exports this year to more than 3.7 million tonnes, down roughly 7.4 percent year-on-year. However, thanks to the high price of roughly 620 USD per tonne on average, nearly double that of last year, the country earned more than 2.2 billion USD from rice exports in the period, up roughly 90 percent over the corresponding period last year.
Vietfood said demand for rice in the global market currently remains stable while domestic rice yields are significant thanks to the recent bumper crop in the Mekong Delta region, the country’s largest rice granary.
September reports from the General Statistics Office also said paddy rice yield would increase roughly 7.2 percent to 38.6 million tonnes if the country’s autumn-winter crop, the final harvest for the year, was not negatively affected by bad weather or infestation.
However, Vietfood forecast rice prices would continue inching upwards for the rest of the year due to rising demand from the and Africa.
With exports at 4.5 million tonnes last year, became the world’s third largest rice exporter behind and .
Friday, October 17, 2008
Xăng dầu đã loang gần khắp vịnh Đà Nẵng
Vỡ hai bồn chứa xăng dầu dung tích 6,4 triệu lít: Xăng dầu đã loang gần khắp vịnh Đà Nẵng
TT (Đà Nẵng) - 12g30 ngày 16-10, một sự cố vỡ kho xăng dầu nghiêm trọng đã xảy ra tại tổng kho xăng dầu hàng không thuộc quyền quản lý của Xí nghiệp Xăng dầu hàng không miền Trung (Vinapco, phường Hòa Hiệp Bắc, quận Liên Chiểu, TP Đà Nẵng).
Một đại diện của Vinapco cho hay nguyên nhân xảy ra sự cố là do mưa lớn gây sạt lở đất, khiến một đoạn tường bêtông dài chừng 30m thuộc hệ thống bờ kè bảo vệ kho xăng dầu này bị gãy sụp rồi trôi xuống đụng vào thành hai bồn chứa xăng dầu loại dung tích 3.200m3/bồn (tương đương 3,2 triệu lít) gồm một bồn chứa xăng A92 và một bồn chứa dầu Jet (dùng cho động cơ máy bay) khiến hai bồn chứa này bị vỡ. Sự cố trên đã khiến một lượng lớn xăng dầu tràn xuống vịnh Đà Nẵng.
Ngay sau khi sự cố xảy ra, Bộ đội biên phòng Đà Nẵng đưa lực lượng đến hiện trường. “Hiện các đơn vị đã tỏa ra không cho toàn bộ tàu thuyền ra vào vịnh Đà Nẵng nhằm ngăn khả năng gây cháy” - phó tham mưu trưởng Bộ đội biên phòng Đà Nẵng Lê Tiến Hưng cho biết.
Cũng theo ông Hưng, đến 19g ngày 16-10, vết dầu đã lan rộng gần khắp cả khu vực vịnh Đà Nẵng. Theo ông Hưng: “Nếu trời trở gió thì khả năng phát tán xăng dầu trên mặt biển sẽ rất cao vì hiện xăng dầu vẫn tiếp tục tràn ra”. Chiều 16-10, Trung tâm xử lý sự cố tràn dầu miền Trung đưa hệ thống phao quây phong tỏa hiện trường ngăn xăng dầu tràn ra biển, huy động một sà lan loại 700m3 của Công ty Sông Thu đến để hút xăng dầu. Vinapco cũng đã huy động nhiều lượt xe bồn cùng tham gia rút xăng dầu hiện có trong hai bể chứa nói trên.
Chiều 16-10, Phó chủ tịch TP Đà Nẵng Văn Hữu Chiến cho biết TP đã chỉ đạo tất cả lực lượng phong tỏa hiện trường. Một lượng lớn xăng dầu trong hai bồn chứa này đã được chuyển sang kho 182 cạnh đó. Nguyên nhân ban đầu được xác định là do đoạn tường kè bêtông phía trên xây dựng quá kém đã đâm vào hai bồn chứa sau khi gãy đổ.
Hiện số lượng xăng dầu trong hai bồn chứa nói trên vẫn chưa được phía Vinapco tiết lộ. Tuy nhiên theo ông Nguyễn Điểu - giám đốc Sở Tài nguyên - môi trường TP Đà Nẵng, lượng xăng dầu đã tràn ra đất và biển ước khoảng 2.000m3.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins University
This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Please circulate to all you know; Cancer update

Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heat! ing food… You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.
Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons…

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.
Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in our life!!!!!!!
A Needle Can Save Life Of A Stroke Victim - Most wonderful!
Dr. Bernard Jensen Our Prof Dato’ Dr. Khalid has confirmed that there are scientific medical reasons and therefore safe!
Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this… It’s amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day. This is amazing. Please keep this very handy.. Excellent tips. Do take a minute to read this. You’ll never know. One’s life may depend on you.
“My father was paralyzed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before. When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst.”(Irene Liu)
When a stroke occurs, stay calm. No matter where the victim is,do not Move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst. Help the victim to sit up where he is to prevent him from falling over again,and then the bloodletting can begin. If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best, otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.
1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it, and then use it to prick the tip of all 10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about a mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim’s mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each ear lobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each ear lobe.
After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness. Wait till the victim regain his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital, otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst. If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor Ha Bu-Ting who lives in Sun-Juke. Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore I can say this method is 100% effective.In 1979, I was teaching in Fung-Gaap College in Tai-Chung. One afternoon I was teaching class when another teacher came running to my class room and said in panting, “Ms. Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!” I immediately went to the 3rd floor. When I saw our supervisor, Mr.Chen Fu-Tien, his color was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked-all the symptoms of a stroke. I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen’s 10 fingers tips. When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen’s face regained its color and his eyes’ spirit returned, too. But his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood. When his ears became red, I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out 2 drops of blood. When both earlobes had two drops of blood each, a miracle happened. Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear. We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei-Wah Hospital He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. Everything worked normally. There were no ill after-effects. On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover.” (Irene Liu). Therefore stroke is the second cause of death. The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralyzed for life. It is such a horrible thing to happen in one’s life. If we can all remember this bloodletting method and start the life-saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.
Phương pháp thi công mới ở Sky Garden 3
Công trường Sky Garden 3 hiện có hơn 700 công nhân đang thi công trong hai giai đoạn của dự án. Giai đoạn 1 đã đổ bê tông đến tầng 8, giai đoạn 2 đang trong quá trình hoàn thành phần móng. “Nếu không có gì thay đổi, tháng 9 chúng tôi sẽ hoàn thành phần móng của dự án Sky Garden 3 – giai đoạn 2 và mời khách hàng đến ký hợp đồng.
Kỷ luật thi công rất nghiêm ngặt |
Công trình áp dụng một số phương pháp thi công mới, nên Sky Garden 3 có khả năng hoàn công trước thời hạn để đáp ứng nhu cầu nhận nhà sớm của một số khách hàng”, ông Trương Quốc Hưng – giám đốc phòng tiếp thị II công ty Phú Mỹ Hưng (PMH) cho biết. Hiện nay, PMH áp dụng phương thức thi công cốp pha tấm lớn và lưới thép hàn. Đây là những tấm cốp pha bằng sắt có kích thước 1,25 x 2,5m (những tấm cốp pha lớn kích thước 3m2) được gia công riêng cho các công trình ở PMH. Thường các công trình sử dụng cốp pha tấm nhỏ cần nhiều nhân lực, giám sát và thời gian thi công. Song song đó, phương pháp đổ liền khối cột, vách với sàn cũng được áp dụng trong công trình Sky Garden 3. Những phương pháp này khi thực hiện sẽ rút ngắn thời gian thi công, nâng cao chất lượng và thẩm mỹ của công trình. Tuy nhiên để đảm bảo mặt bằng công trình đạt tính thẩm mỹ, đẹp và phẳng, đòi hỏi công nhân phải có tay nghề cao, tỉ mỉ và công tác giám sát cũng phải kỹ lưỡng hơn. Hiện nay, các công trình tại PMH đều áp dụng phương pháp thi công này nhằm đạt hiệu quả cao về độ bền, tiến độ và mỹ quan công trình.
Sky Garden 3 là dự án trọng điểm của PMH trong năm 2008 và cũng là công trình căn hộ quy mô nhất từ trước đến nay mà PMH triển khai xây dựng với tổng vốn đầu tư hơn 70 triệu USD. Chỉ tính riêng dự án Sky Garden 3, khuôn viên rộng 4,27ha, diện tích xây dựng là 2,65ha, tổng diện tích sàn xây dựng là 226.468m2, diện tích không gian xanh mở và đường nội khu khoảng 1,6ha. Dự án hoàn công sẽ có hơn 1.700 gia đình an cư tại đô thị.
Một trong hai building của Sky Garden giai đoạn 3 đã đổ bê tông tới tầng thứ 8 | |
Công nhân đang khẩn trương thi công trên công trường | Công trình nhìn từ trên cao |
Không bao lâu nữa khu dân cư sầm uất sẽ hình thành tại đây |
Bố cục thiết kế Sky Garden gồm:
- Tầng trệt: bố trí gồm các chỗ đậu xe hơi và xe gắn máy, phía ngoài là cửa hàng làm nơi kinh doanh buôn bán các mặt hàng phục vụ cho nhu cầu mua sắm hàng ngày.
- Tầng 2: phố mua sắm lộ thiên kết nối các toà nhà tạo nên một không gian rộng rãi, thoáng mát. Dọc theo đó là những cửa hàng kinh doanh.
- Tầng 3: từ tầng 3 trở lên là những căn hộ được thiết kế hài hoà và hợp lý, bao gồm 6 căn hộ mỗi tầng, có 2 thang máy và 2 thang bộ thoát hiểm.
- Căn hộ Penthouse: đây là những căn hộ với diện tích lớn nằm ở hai tầng cao nhất của toà nhà nhằm đáp ứng cho những gia đình đông người.
Khu phố Sky Garden toạ lạc tại khu dân cư Giải trí, phía nam tiếp giáp đại lộ Nguyễn Văn Linh, phía bắc tiếp giáp hành lang cây xanh văn hoá và nghỉ ngơi.
Giao thông đến khu Sky Garden này rất thuận tiện, từ hướng Q.1 theo tuyến đường mới xây dựng từ cầu Ông Lãnh, cầu Kênh Tẻ theo trục đường bắc – nam vào đại lộ Nguyễn Văn Linh hoặc có thể đến từ cầu Tân Thuận 2 vào đại lộ Nguyễn Văn Linh. Ở hướng quận 5, 8, 10, 11 có thể đi theo hướng cầu Nguyễn Tri Phương, Chánh Hưng.
Toàn bộ dự án Sky Garden có diện tích đất hơn 10,4ha, tổng diện tích sàn lên tới hơn 400.000m2, với hơn 3.000 căn hộ, cả công trình gồm 11 dãy building cao từ 10 – 20 tầng, có 42 block.
Phối cảnh 3D tổng thể dự án Sky Garden 3 Source: nhadat
Cùng dựa vào dãy Trường Sơn để phát triển kinh tế
Vietnam, Siam Cement in $3.77 bln petrochemical deal
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam has granted a license to state oil group Petrovietnam and two units of Siam Cement SCC.BK, Thailand's top industrial conglomerate, to build a $3.77 billion petrochemical complex, a newspaper said on Monday.
The license was issued to Long Son Petrochemical Co Ltd formed by Petrovietnam, Vietnam National Chemical Corp, Siam Cement's Vina SCG Chemicals and its 44.7 percent-owned Thai Plastic and Chemicals TPC.BK, the Planning and Investment Ministry-run Dau Tu (Investment) newspaper said.
The petrochemical complex will be built in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau for completion in the second quarter of 2013 at a total cost of $3.77 billion. The project's registered capital is $1.51 billion, the paper said.
Siam Cement subsidiaries would own 71 percent of the complex, and the two Vietnamese firms would hold the rest, Siam Cement said in a letter to the Thai stock exchange in March.
Construction will be in six phases and the complex will serve as the foundation for the development of Vietnam's petrochemicals and plastics industries, the Dau Tu newspaper said.
Siam Cement has said the plant will be built close to Long Son refinery, Vietnam's third such plant after Dung Quat and Nghi Son, and will supply other domestic industries such as automotive, consumer goods packaging and aluminum.
The Siam Cement group has invested in Vietnam since 1990 and has petrochemicals, paper, ready-mixed concrete, building materials and distribution businesses there. SCG Paper said last month it was eyeing more acquisitions of paper firms in Vietnam.
Vietnam has not finalized a deal with Venezuela's PVDSA to build a $7 billion, 240,000 barrel-per-day Long Son refinery. That project has attracted strong interest from foreign firms as it is located close to an area of high consumption in the Mekong Delta and industrial parks around Ho Chi Minh City.
Petrovietnam is speeding up construction of its 140,000-bpd Dung Quat refinery, the country's first, so as to start operation in February 2009 as agreed with the government, after many delays.
The group and Japanese refiner Idemitsu (5019.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Kuwait Petroleum International are also building Vietnam's second refinery, the $6 billion 200,000-bpd Nghi Son plant, in the country's north for completion slated for 2013.
Vietnam starts construction on 6 billion dollar oil-refinery
NGHI SON, Vietnam (AFP) — Energy-hungry Vietnam started building its second oil refinery on Saturday, a 6.2 billion dollar complex, in a bid to feed the nation's booming economy, the State Oil company announced.
Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation (PetroVietnam), the oil monopoly in the communist nation, set up a joint-venture with its counterparts from Japan and Kuwait to build Nghi Son refinery in the north of the country.
Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung hailed the project at the ground-breaking ceremony, saying it was the country's most important and biggest power scheme, attracting capital investment of 6.2 billion dollars.
Petrovietnam said the refinery, with a targeted capacity of up to 10 million tonnes a year, is located in Thanh Hoa province, about 200 kilometres (125 miles) south of the capital Hanoi.
Petrovietnam will hold a 25.1 percent stake, Japan's Idemitsu Kosan Co (IKC) and Kuwait Petroleum International KPI) will each hold a 35.1 percent share, and Mitsui Chemicals Inc (MCI), also of Japan, will have the remaining 4.7 percent.
The Nghi Son refinery, to be operational by 2013, will turn Kuwaiti oil into petrol, liquefied petroleum gas, diesel, kerosene and jet fuel for Vietnam, which has offshore oil reserves but currently imports petroleum products.
Dung said last month the facility would create about 10,000 jobs and the state media said around 1,000 local families will be relocated from more than 500 hectares of Gia Tinh district.
Dung Quat, the country's first refinery costing around 2.5 billion dollars, is now being built after lengthy delays in central Vietnam and is expected to produce 6.5 million tonnes a year from 2009 -- equivalent to a third of the country's needs.
"By 2013, this project combined with Dung Quat refinery would ensure 65 percent of Vietnam oil and gas demand. It will contribute to ensure the nation's energy security," the Prime Minister said.
PetroVietnam is now preparing for its third refinery project in Long Son district of southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau province.
Vietnam's economy grew at 8.5 percent a year in 2007, and its energy needs for industry, households and transport are rising annually at about twice that rate.
Last year, Vietnam spent eight billion dollars to import 12.55 million tonnes of refined oil.
Dung Quat refinery Project Profile (Part 2 of 7)
As a large scale project, the DZUNG QUAT Refinery project has been attracting the attention of numerous people from many fields in Viet Nam. Currently, there are more than 350 staff members working in DZUNG QUAT Refinery Project Management Board. Most of them have high educational level, including doctors, masters and discipline engineers: Doctor degree: 7 (2.4%)
Masters degree: 11 (3.7%)
College or university degree: 236 (78.7%) Others: 36 (15.2%) DZUNG QUAT Refinery Project Management Board has been establishing the Master Training Plan in order to provide for operation and maintenance engineers necessary skills and knowledge required to operate expertly the DZUNG QUAT Refinery.